
Hello Kitty Imformation ❤

Hello Kitty (ハローキティ Harō Kiti?) (full name Kitty White) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, first designed by Yuko Shimizu. The character is a staple of the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. The character is portrayed as a female white Japanese bobtail cat with a red bow. The character's first appearance on an item, a vinyl coin purse, was introduced in Japan in 1974 and brought to the United States in 1976. This debut came under the Sanrio company lineup, where her various products are still developed and sold.
The Hello Kitty trademark has since spread globally and developed licensing arrangements worth more than $10 to $500 billion annually. Although mainly aimed at the pre-adolescent female market, the Hello Kitty product range goes all the way from purses, stickers and pen sets to toasters, televisions, clothing, massagers, and computer equipment. It has a cult-like following among adults as well, especially in Asia, where Hello Kitty adorns cars, purses, jewelry and many other high-end consumer products. A Hello Kitty anime, targeted towards young children, has also been produced. Examples of products depicting the character include dolls, stickers, greeting cards, clothes, accessories, school supplies, dishes and home appliances. Her fame as a recurring Sanrio character has led to the creation of two officially licensed Hello Kitty theme parks, Harmonyland and the indoor Sanrio Puroland.

Character design

A spokesperson for Sanrio says that Hello Kitty is not normally given a mouth because "without the mouth, it is easier for the person looking at Hello Kitty to project their feelings onto the character" and that "the person can be happy or sad together with Hello Kitty." There has been some suggestion that Hello Kitty has its origins in Maneki Neko, and that the name Hello Kitty itself is a back-translation of Maneki Neko, which means beckoning cat in English.
Official character profile
Full name: Kitty White
Birthday: November 1
Blood type: A
Height: 5 Apples
Weight: 3 Apples
Place of birth: In the suburbs of London, England
Favorite food: Mama's homemade Apple Pie
Favorite word: "Friendship"
Description: A bright and kind-hearted girl, good at baking cookies and loves Mama's apple pie. Very close to her twin sister Mimmy.

Hello Kitty(日文:ハローキティ;拉丁写法:Harōkiti),為日本的三麗鷗公司於1974年所创造的卡通人物。Hello Kitty的相关商品通常是以明亮的粉红色的一只左耳上有红色蝴蝶结的白色卡通小貓Hello Kitty形象出现。而刻意忽略嘴巴部分的Hello Kitty商标自1976年注册以來,现已广为人知。


就像是其他众多Sanrio的卡通人物,Hello Kitty是以可爱路线(日文稱為 Kawaii,台灣稱為 Q版,取英文 cute 發音)创作的。 官方对Hello Kitty为什么没有嘴的解释是(参见下方的外部链接)因為她用心靈溝通,不需透過任何一種語言。 但是在动画中Kitty的嘴仍然被画了出来,因为她需要吃饭说话,至於Hello Kitty愛漫遊中的Kitty雖然會說話及吃饭,卻是忠於原著沒有嘴的。Hello Kitty 经常在左耳带一个蝴蝶结,但是那里经常会以一个五叶花代替,也有一些很少见的变化例如以一束花代替。
有人认为Hello Kitty来源于日本的招财猫(招き猫),而且Hello Kitty的名字也可以算作招财猫的另一种英文译法,意思同样是beckoning cat(招手的猫)。也有人指出Hello Kitty和1955年由荷蘭迪克·布鲁内创作的 Miffy 很像,因而認為Hello Kitty的線条勾勒画風並非原創。
近年來Hello Kitty也漸漸走入都會上班風,希望可以抓住上班族群的心,有穿高跟鞋的Hello Kitty,有時甚至會賣弄一點點可愛的小性感。
又在近幾年 Hello Kitty 出現在MAC 化妝品公司.

Hello Kitty 的官方資料

姓名:Kitty White
和她的雙胞胎妹妹Mimmy很像,但Kitty的蝴蝶結是紅色的且戴在左耳。 生日密碼是十一月一日【太陽.魔術師】。

Kitty 的家人(White家族)

咪咪(Mimmy White):Kitty的雙胞胎妹妹,右耳戴著黃色蝴蝶結。
喬治(George White):Kitty的爸爸,是個商人,最喜歡閱讀報紙。
瑪麗(Mary White):Kitty的媽媽,是個家庭主婦,最喜歡做水果派(尤其是蘋果派)。
安東尼(或安森尼;Anthony White):Kitty的爺爺,最喜歡畫畫。
瑪格麗特(或瑪嘉烈;Margaret White):Kitty的奶奶,最喜歡作手工藝和刺繡。

Kitty 的男朋友

丹尼爾·史塔(Daniel Star):Kitty的青梅竹馬兼男朋友。

Kitty 的好朋友們

喬伊(Joey / Joy):小老鼠(男生)
提姆(Tim)& 提米(Tammy):小猴子兄妹
崔西(Tracy / Terence):小貍貓(男生)
凱西(Cathy / Kathy):小白兔(女生)
羅立(Rory / Lorry):小浣熊
摩立(Mory / Moley):小地鼠
泰迪(Tiny Chum):泰迪熊

Kitty 的寵物

Charmmy Kitty:波斯貓
Honey Cute:Charmmy的妹妹

kitty =]

